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What documents are acceptable from new hires to help NYP verify previous employment or education during the onboarding process?

If you have received and accepted a conditional offer of employment from a Talent Acquisition Recruiter, you will begin NYP’s post-offer, pre-employment onboarding process. All offers of employment are contingent upon successfully completing this process. You’ll find that NYP has a thorough onboarding process for new employees, to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. 

One of the steps in the onboarding process is the comprehensive background review, including, but not limited to, verification of employment history and education. To help with this “behind-the-scenes” part of the process, we have enlisted the help of Certiphi, Inc. to perform the background check.

If Certiphi is unable to successfully verify one or more items such as employment or education, a member of the Certiphi team will contact you directly to request additional documentation. If this happens, it is important that you respond with the requested documentation as quickly as possible to ensure we have enough time to complete your background verification prior to your start date. Any delays in providing requested documentation to Certiphi may impact your start date.

Please redact any confidential/personal information such as Personally Identifiable Information (DOB/SSN etc.) and salary before sending documentation to Certiphi or NYP.

For more information about NYP’s post-offer, pre-employment onboarding process, click here.

Acceptable Documents to Verify Employment History or Education Criteria
Employment Paystubs
  • Pay stubs from the first month of employment and the last month of employment


  • First W2 of employment
  • Last W2 of employment
Employment Verification Letter from Employer
  • Letter needs to contain dates of employment, position title, name/title/contact information of employee writing the letter


High School Verification

  • Original High school diploma

  • Foreign Education:  Globe/WES verifications

College Verification

  • Original college diploma or transcript (primary source verification with the school may still be required)


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