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Where can I find Human Resource information for incoming Cornell and Columbia Graduate Medical Staff?

General human resource processes and procedures for Cornell and Columbia Graduate Medical Staff are administered by the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office. For questions regarding your residency program, please send a message to

Frequently asked questions:

  • How do I know what my NYP CWID (Center Wide ID) is to log-in to Workday?
    • Your CWID is sent to you by email from the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Medical Staff Office (credentialing office).
    • If you need to confirm your CWID, you can either contact your program coordinator or your credentialing analyst. Your credentialing analyst’s contact information can be found in the original email with your welcome information.
  • I would like make a change to my Workday profile. Who should I reach out to?
    • Changes to Workday should be made directly in the Workday system. Changes might include name change, address change, or adding a qualifying life event to your insurance.
    • Please also communicate this with your program coordinator so they can pass the information on to the credentialing team. If you need to confirm your program coordinator’s contact information, please send a message to GME Team Email:
    • If you have trouble logging into Workday, please contact the Helpdesk at 212-746-4357 or
  • Where can I find information regarding my benefits?
    • Contact HR Connects through the chat at the bottom right of your screen.


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