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What are the basic features in WebEx?

Overview Summary

WebEx offers various tools for presentation and interactivity during meetings. This article focuses on the most commonly utilized features.

Key Features:

  • Participant Window
  • Chat Window
  • Share Screen

How it Works:

Participant Window

The Participant Window allows both presenters and users to see who is attending the meeting. The window can be opened and closed by clicking on the icon mceclip0.png on the toolbar  . The participant window can be opened as a separate window on the screen by presenters/ co-hosts when using the Share Screen feature.

Attendees can control their audio from this window by using the microphone icon mceclip1.png located next to their name; clicking the icon both mutes and unmutes one’s microphone.  Presenters can control all attendees’ audio (mute and unmute attendees) from the participant window by clicking on the microphone icon next to the participant’s name.

Muted: mceclip2.png 

Not-Muted: mceclip3.png

Optional Section: {Attendees can also utilize the “raise-hand” icon mceclip4.png during a presentation to ask questions, provide feedback, or offer comments.  Attendees click on the hand icon [add picture] next to their name and the presenter will see that icon light up next to the attendee’s name in their participant window.  The presenter can click the hand icon to lower the hand once acknowledged.}

Chat Window

The Chat Window provides interactivity during meetings and presentations.  The window can be opened or closed by clicking on the icon toolbar. mceclip5.png All participants (attendees and presenters) can send texted messages to one another during a meeting.  Messages can be sent to “Everyone” meaning all in the meeting will see the message.  Messages can also be sent to individual participants in a meeting by utilizing the drop down menu and selecting the intended recipients name from the list; these messages are deemed private by the WebEx application and can only be seen by the sender and recipient. mceclip6.png

Presenters can save the Chat Window data as a Notepad file onto their computer to assist with documenting meeting minutes, review classroom questions for future lessons, etc.  (Please see User Guide – get name- for instructions on saving Chat information.)

Share Screen

The Share Screen function allows presenters to share content from their computer when conducting meetings/ presentations. Presenters click on the Share Screen icon mceclip7.png and select which window form their computer they want to share with the meeting participants. When a presenter begins to share their screen, the WebEx toolbar will relocate to the top of their screen and be highlighted in orange. mceclip8.png

While sharing, the windows on the presenter’s computer will have a tab at the top right of their application windows.  The Stop/Shared icon mceclip9.png will be visible on shared screens; the Share/Not Shared icon mceclip10.png will be visible on non-shared windows. Presenters can share more than one window at a time by enabling the “share tab” on the window. This providers the presenter with better control of meeting content and ease of movement through various data sets.

When the presenter no longer wishes to share content, he/she simply clicks on the Stop Sharing icon mceclip11.png located on the toolbar at the top of their screen. Presenters can set meeting parameters to allow/ disallow others from using the Share Screen feature.

WebEx System Requirements for PC & MAC

  1. Browser Requirements
  •  PC
    1. Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (32-bit/64-bit)
    2. Mozilla Firefox 10-15
    3. Google Chrome latest version as of September 2012
  • MAC
    1. Mozilla Firefox 10-15
    2. Safari 11 and later
    3. Google Chrome latest version as of September 2012
  1. WebEx Operating System Requirements
    1. PC – XP SP3, Vista 32-bit/64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit, 2008 Server 64-bit
    2. MAC – 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion

For More Information:

Click on the attachments below for more information on these and other features available in WebEx for both presenters and attendees. 

HR Connects article “How do I schedule a Webex meeting?”

If you experience any issues with your access or you encounter any technical issues, please contact the IT Service Desk at 212-746-4357.


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